Dairy products
Allstarch ingredients are used as stabilizers in the preparation of desserts. They are also used as a gelling ingredient. Our starches can also simplify the technological production of dairy products.
Allstarch WN1 and Allstarch 1550 is applied in recipes of dairy desserts to improve the appearance of the product and reduce syneresis during its storage.
The main properties of AllStarch 1550:
- increasing shelf life
- thickening and stabilization
- improving viscosity
- increasing product mouthfeel
AllStarch CWS (cold water swelling) wheat starches
are used in the production of blends for milk cocktails and fruit-based mousses. They stabilize the foam structure of the product, improving its taste characteristics. CWS wheat starches are applied in cold mousses for mandatory pasteurization.
Here are the characteristics of CWS wheat starches:
- increasing the product’s viscosity
- improving consistency
- reducing separation of ingredients during preparation
- getting needed texture quickly
- increasing shelf life
- thickening and stabilization